How Can Nonprofits Diversify Revenue, Expand Impact, and Build a Lasting Future?
Find out during our special session at the University of Michigan on 02.18.13…

-We’ll discuss the range of issues facing nonprofits today…
–We’ll learn about entrepreneurial practices that can help nonprofits grow their margin and mission…
-We’ll talk about the role of communications in effective nonprofit management…
-And we’ll have plenty of time for discussion, questions, and creative thinking.
If you haven’t already connected with No Margin, No Mission, be sure to take a couple of minutes right now to interact with us on the Web. With a few simple clicks, you’ll get to know us, which will help us get to know you.
Once you’ve done this simple homework, we’ll show you in Monday’s session how we’re able to get to know you through a variety of Web-based analytics and tools that give us information, intelligence, and insight into who you are, how you interact with us, and why that’s important to No Margin, No Mission.
We’re eager for you to communicate with us, so start clicking away…and GO BLUE!!!
No Margin, No Mission™ is a social enterprise and national consulting practice that helps organizations with a social or environmental mission increase revenue, expand impact, and build a lasting future through innovative thinking, entrepreneurial practices, and business strategy.
With offerings targeted to nonprofit leaders and funders providing support to grantees, No Margin, No Mission™ engages with clients to consult,train, speak, and implement on topics such as entrepreneurial leadership, social enterprise, revenue diversification, earned income, business planning, intellectual property development, and strategic partnerships, just to name a few.
No Margin, No Mission’s™ co-founders, Larry Clark and Michael Oxman, are cutting-edge thinkers, innovative leaders, and entrepreneurs who are passionate about social change. With collective work experience that spans decades in the nonprofit, for-profit, and foundation sectors, their client relationships include numerous nonprofits, philanthropies, universities, government agencies, and coalitions.
If you’d like to learn more about No Margin, No Mission™, visit us at or email us at