Special Offer: 11 Ways to Save 11% for 11 Days
Entrepreneurial leadership. Earned income. Social enterprise. Revenue generation. Business planning.
Eleven Ways to Save 11% for Eleven Days.
If you’ve been thinking about the importance of diversifying revenue within your organization or one(s) that you support, now is the perfect time to take action. Now through November 11th, 2011, No Margin, No Mission is pleased to offer savings of 11% on all of our offerings, including consulting, training, speaking, and implementing. We invite you to take a look at eleven of our best offerings below, and let us know which one(s) may be right for your organization.
1. DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR REVENUE GENERATION can help diversify revenue, expand impact, and build a lasting future for your organization. Whether it’s taking a look at a broad business plan for your entire organization, or one that’s focused on a product, program, or service, a business plan will help build internal business capacity and chart a plan for implementation and results.
2. CREATING A NEW EARNED INCOME ACTIVITY OR SOCIAL ENTERPRISE for your organization can diversify revenue through the sale of offerings in the form of products, programs, or services. Whether it’s slogan-based merchandise, a sponsored running race, online webinars, consulting, or any number of other entrepreneurial activities, we can help you identify the ones that are right for your organization. Through a facilitated half or full-day session we can help you brainstorm a number of revenue-generating ideas and determine which ones have the greatest income potential. With a longer consulting engagement, we can also help you develop a business plan with strategies to deliver margin and mission to your organization.
3. DEVELOPING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL BOARD starts with building a team that values entrepreneurship, innovation, and appropriate business practices in the nonprofit sector. With thoughtful planning and implementation, you can put the ideal board in place to support the desired evolution and growth of your organization. Let us facilitate a process that will assess your Board’s current skills and strengths, identify relevant gaps in knowledge and expertise, and help you develop a team that is sure to provide impact and results.
4. GENERATING REVENUE FROM AN EXISTING PRODUCT, PROGRAM, OR SERVICE such as trainings, curriculum, workshops, specialized knowledge and expertise, public speaking, or any number of other activities without is a way to generate resources for your organization. If you’re not currently charging for these offerings, you may be missing out on valuable revenue-generating opportunities. Through a facilitated half or full-day session, we can help you inventory your existing intellectual assets and determine which ones have the greatest earned-income potential. With a longer consulting engagement, we can help you develop a business plan with strategies to build financial value into your mission-rich offerings.
5. SCENARIO PLANNING TO IDENTIFY OPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION may be helpful to your organization since today’s success doesn’t necessarily guarantee its success for tomorrow. Looking out to the future, it’s important to consider trends, changing market conditions, and other external factors that may necessitate a refinement or shift in your organizational strategy to meet changing market needs. Through a half or full-day facilitated session, we’ll guide you through a series of thoughtful, strategic, and highly engaging exercises that will result in a small list of alternative strategic scenarios for the future growth of your organization.
6. BUILDING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE starts in organizations that have entrepreneurial and innovative leaders who are able to see opportunities that would not be apparent to their staff. For an organization that is seeking growth, revenue generation, and greater mission impact, having all hands on deck is essential. We can help you accomplish this through our unique training module that infuses entrepreneurial thinking, spirit, and practices into the culture of your organization.
7. TRAINING SESSION: WHAT IS EARNED INCOME AND HOW CAN IT BENEFIT YOUR ORGANIZATION? One way an organization can diversify its revenue sources is to develop earned-income offerings such as products, programs, or services. In many cases, these activities may already exist in the form of trainings, curriculum, workshops, specialized knowledge and expertise, public speaking, or any number of other activities that are currently being given away for free. We can help educate and train on earned income basics, with a half or full-day workshop that introduces the topic with key definitions, its value to organizations, compelling examples, interactive exercises, and suggested action steps to pursue the topic further.
8. TRAINING SESSION: GETTING YOUR BOARD ON BOARD FOR EARNED INCOME Creating an entrepreneurial organization starts with building a Board that values entrepreneurship, innovation, and appropriate business practices. If your Board could benefit from education and training on earned income, we can help with a half or full-day workshop that introduces the topic with key definitions, its value to organizations, compelling examples, interactive exercises, and suggested action steps to pursue the topic further.
9. TRAINING SESSION: NAVIGATING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TO PROTECT YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL ASSETS Every organization has valuable intellectual properties that they need to protect. These may be in the form of products, programs, and services, or even the name of the organization and tag line. This half-day training will explain why it’s important to protect intellectual properties, what forms they come in, and how to manage situations where they may be challenged or threatened. Packed with examples, highly interactive, and complete with an IP Action Plan to take with you, this session shouldn’t be missed.
10. TRAINING SESSION: HOW BUSINESS PLANS CAN HELP DIVERSIFY REVENUE An organization’s future is dependent on building strong financial health, which means having diverse revenue sources that go beyond grant funding for financial support. Whether looking at the entire organization, or specific products, programs, or service, there’s tremendous value in understanding how business planning can contribute to success. We can help educate and train on the basics of business planning, with a half or full-day workshop that introduces the topic with key definitions, its value to organizations, compelling examples, interactive exercises, and suggested action steps to pursue the topic further.
11. TRAINING SESSION: DEFINING MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES There is tremendous power in simply stated mission, vision, and core value statements that define what you do, where you’re going, and what you stand for. Whether you’re looking to start this process from scratch or build from what you already have, we can help with a practical, collaborative, interactive, and fun half or full-day training session that will yield big results.
We hope you’ll take advantage of our special 11.11.11 offer before it ends. If you have interest in learning more about any of our offerings, what we do, or how we can provide benefit to your organization, please call or email us. Of course, we also want to hear from you if you have questions, comments, or stories to share with us.
Here’s to growing the margin and mission of your organization…because your double bottom line matters!
*No Margin, No Mission’s special 11.11.11 offer applies to all contracts signed between November 1, 2011 and November 11, 2011 at midnight Pacific Standard Time.